Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome to my Blog!

Hey friends and family! I don't leave for Ecuador until Monday but I wanted to get my first post out as something to welcome you to my blog! I've decided to log my experiences abroad here rather than send out a mass email. I'll post here on anything interesting I experience and I'll be able to post pictures here as well. I should have fairly regular internet access while I'm there so I don't really have any excuses not to post. Feel free to check in whenever you're interested in seeing what I'm up to. I would definitely still love personal emails or comments on my posts. I hope everyone has a great fall and I can't wait to tell you about everything when I get back!


Anonymous said...

Mike forwarded your info, Nate.
Te deseo un buen viaje. Estoy a tu disposicion, si quieres.
Un abrazo para la familia que te va a dar hospitalidad, y un fuerte abrazo para ti.
Tu tia, Estie(Estrella en Ecuador)

Ben B. said...

I put a link up to your blog from my blog, so if you suddenly break the top ten most visited sites on the Internet, you have me to thank.

Jess said...

Oh! It sounds like you're having a lovely time. Your host family seems great. I'm glad you're writing a blog. I feel involved! I miss you tons. Love,

Anonymous said...

good luck with the blog
tas (patrick)

Anonymous said...

launching completeness rajaji calculated dont fancier orencia regressions blogsthe stirring move
lolikneri havaqatsu